This is how it began. My sister Anna, a brilliant and witty writer, suggested that we should try to write a romance novel according to the guidelines published by Mills & Boon. Not as easy as it sounds, apparently. She created a finely judged opening paragraph and sent it to me. And, intoxicated by the stylistic possibilities that are simply not offered by my usual literary output of press releases on Bedfordshire’s latest social housing project, I have taken up the gauntlet. The idea is that we will take it in turns to develop the story, in full view of you, dear reader.

We are taking this project seriously, but I am already acutely aware that writing about simmering desire with one’s own sister might be possible only with tongue tentatively in cheek. We have agreed not to discuss our plot ideas, so the novel will unfold as unpredictably to us as to our readers. This could lead to trouble later on, but for now it seems a very liberating way to start.

Who knows where this project will take us? To the dizzying heights of publication by the world’s leading romance brand? Probably not. But wherever we end up, it should be fun getting there…

Friday, 9 December 2011

Saturday is caption day

And now for something completely different. The great Mammasaurus, who I believe holds the blogosphere together single-handedly, has instigated her weekly Caption Day.

I provide the picture:

And you provide the caption. The more the merrier.


  1. The trawlermen suspected there was something fishy about that morning's catch

  2. Really, I caught one THIS BIG today...

  3. hands up, it was me that stole the chocolate!

  4. mummmm the spiders webs round here are getting increasingly thicker ... help!

  5. the deadly catch wasn't so scary actually quite cute

  6. Honestly I'm not Charlotte!

  7. The Catch of the Day today was a Fairy Shrimp.

  8. Flip, jump, flip, pirouette aaaand land. Mummy, you missed it!

  9. 'I send you out for fish. And you catch... this. Can we even eat it?'

  10. Thanks to everyone for captioning - the most comments ever!

  11. I know I've been a bit hyper today but don't you think your reaction to it was a bit extreme?

  12. her horror of fishnets had started at an early age
